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What kind of silicone? What is the difference between organic silica gel and inorganic silica gel?

   無機(jī)硅膠是一種高活性吸附材料,通常是用硅酸鈉和硫酸反應(yīng),并經(jīng)老化、酸泡等一系列后處理過程而制得。硅膠屬非晶態(tài)物質(zhì),其化學(xué)分子式為mSiO2 .nH2O。不溶于水和任何溶劑,無毒無味,化學(xué)性質(zhì)穩(wěn)定,除強(qiáng)堿、氫氟酸外不與任何物質(zhì)發(fā)生反應(yīng)。各種型號(hào)的硅膠因其制造方法不同而形成不同的微孔結(jié)構(gòu)。硅膠的化學(xué)組份和物理結(jié)構(gòu),決定了它具有許多其它同類材料難以取代的特點(diǎn):吸附性能高、熱穩(wěn)定性好、化學(xué)性質(zhì)穩(wěn)定、有較高的機(jī)械強(qiáng)度等,家庭用做干燥劑,濕度調(diào)節(jié)劑,除臭劑等;工業(yè)用作油烴脫色劑,催化劑載體,變壓吸附劑等;精細(xì)化工用分離提純劑,啤酒穩(wěn)定劑,涂料增稠劑,牙膏摩擦劑,消光劑等。

Are silicone products toxic? Is it harmful to the human body?

In fact, the argument about whether silicone products are toxic is different. To put it bluntly, the fundamental thing to discuss about silicone products is silicone. There are two main points of view.

1. Medical silica gel is non-toxic. Silicone prostheses can withstand considerable pressure. Therefore, it is difficult to squeeze it with ordinary external forces unless it is violently attacked or punctured by sharp objects. The ruptured silicone prosthesis is like jelly, even tougher than jelly, and will not flow out. It may cause inflammation of surrounding tissues in a short period of time. The external appearance is mainly pain, etc. As long as you go to the hospital for treatment in time, it is not Will cause too much harm to the body.

Silica gel also becomes a silicic acid gel, which is a highly active adsorbent material and belongs to an amorphous substance. The main component of silica gel is silica, which is chemically stable and does not burn. Therefore, silicone products are non-toxic and environmentally friendly products.

Second, whether it is toxic or harmful to the human body cannot be regarded as a standard. What is toxic and what is non-toxic? Any product has its side effects. It depends on whether this side effect constitutes harm to the human body. Generally, food-grade silicone on the market can be tasteless and edible, and can be used with confidence. The prices of the two raw materials are similar, mainly due to different physical properties (such as toughness, aging resistance, temperature resistance, tensile strength, etc.). Of course, it does not exclude individual speculators.

How high is the high temperature of food grade silicone rubber? How high can high temperature resistant silicone be?

現(xiàn)如今耐高溫硅橡膠是替代市場(chǎng)上普通高溫膠的新膠料,是新一代綠色環(huán)保節(jié)能硅膠原料。 高溫硅橡膠為雙組份加溫硫化和室溫硫化硅橡膠,為透明或米黃色固體,硫化后成為柔軟的彈性材料,溫度范圍在-65°C - 200°C下可長(zhǎng)期使用并保持其柔軟彈性性能,當(dāng)然還有一種特種硅膠,這種耐高溫高拉力硅橡膠短時(shí)間內(nèi)可以耐溫350攝氏度左右。




What is the difference between silicone and rubber? What is different?


   橡膠(Rubber)是指具有可逆形變的高彈性聚合物材料,在室溫下富有彈性,在很小的外力作用下能產(chǎn)生較大形變,除去外力后能恢復(fù)原狀。橡膠屬于完全無定型聚合物,它的玻璃化轉(zhuǎn)變溫度(T g)低,分子量往往很大,大于幾十萬。


What was Bluestar Silicone called before? Which country is it from?
Bluestar SiliconeThe predecessor of the French Rhodia silicone. In 2006, China Bluestar Group changed its name to Bluestar Silicone after acquiring Rhodia Silicone's global business. After integrating with the original silicone business of the Bluestar Group, Bluestar Silicones has become the world's three largest suppliers of silicone raw materials alongside Dow Corning Silicones and Meitu New Materials. Bluestar Silicone is headquartered in France, and currently has factories and R&D test centers for downstream products in Shanghai. It is also a sales support center in China. The production base in Tianjin is expected to be put into production in late 2009. In addition, there are production bases and R&D test centers in France, Germany, Italy, the United States and other places.

What does packaging in electronic components mean?

Packaging in electronic components refers to connecting the circuit pins on the silicon chip to external connectors with wires to connect with other devices. The packaging form refers to the housing for mounting semiconductor integrated circuit chips.

It not only plays the role of installing, fixing, sealing, protecting the chip and enhancing the electrothermal performance, but also connects to the pins of the package shell through wires through the contacts on the chip, and these pins pass through the wires on the printed circuit board Connect with other devices to realize the connection between internal chip and external circuit.

Because the chip is isolated from the outside, to prevent the impurities in the air from corroding the chip circuit and causing electrical performance to decline. On the other hand, the packaged chips are also easier to install and transport.

Because the quality of the packaging technology also directly affects the performance of the chip itself and the design and manufacture of the PCB (printed circuit board) connected to it, it is crucial.

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